Legal Counsel, Mooresville, NC

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We believe everyone deserves the best possible legal counsel.

Abraham Lincoln is credited with the statement, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” He started his life as a farmer and followed with many jobs after that, but later became a lawyer and eventually our 16th president. When he served as a person’s legal counsel, they soon realized he had a talent for oral arguments that made complex cases simpler for juries to understand and subsequently rule in favor of his client. He may have made some cases look easy, but the grim reality is that representing yourself on any legal issue is foolhardy.

Legal Counsel in Mooresville, North Carolina

Here at Koontz & Smith, Attorneys at Law, we are adept at making persuasive arguments, but bring something to the table that Abraham Lincoln struggled with – effectively researching and gathering evidence. We also offer more focused legal counsel rather than being the jack-of-all-trades that he was. We believe that allows us to better represent you. We offer three primary areas of legal counsel services: personal injury, real estate law, and social security cases.

Most people would have a difficult time naming the 44 presidents who have led our country, but everyone remembers Abraham Lincoln and his accomplishments. Our goal is to become the legal counsel in the Mooresville, North Carolina area that is recognized for personal service and sound legal advice. We opened in 1980 with the belief that everyone deserves the best possible legal counsel.

Contact us today to discuss your legal situation or arrange for a consultation. We’re happy to come to you if you are unable to come into our office.

At Koontz & Smith, Attorneys at Law, we provide legal counsel to those in Salisbury, Davidson, Kannapolis, Concord, Statesville, Mooresville, Lexington, Granite Quarry, Mocksville, Spencer, and China Grove, North Carolina.